7 Days Quick Heal

Experience healing with our Quick Heal Treatment package

The 7 days therapy is ideal for people who are dealing with stress, neck and shoulder stiffness, low back ache, generalised aches and pains. Symptoms like these are an indication of imbalance in the dosas, which on long standing can lead to chronic diseases. The “7 Days Quick Heal Treatment” helps in correcting these conditions, improving sleep and balancing the dosas of body and mind. The package is often a combination of Podikzhi, Abhyanga Swedam and Elakizhi. The treatment medicines and oils are carefully selected to suit the condition of the person after a detailed prakriti and vikriti analysis by the physician.

Podi kizhi: This is a fomentation therapy where medicinal poultice with dry powdered herbs are heated and applied on the body in a rhythmic manner. This treatment is often done as a first course, because it is a rukshana (drying) therapy. It relieves muscle aches, stiffness in joints, tendon and fascia.

Abhyanga Swedam: Abhyangam is the traditional ayurvedic full body massage performed with medicated herbal oils in long flowing strokes. This is followed by steam therapy in ayurvedic steam box. This treatment relaxes your mind, enhances blood flow and lymphatic drainage and natural detoxification.

Ela kizhi: Elakizhi is a herbal poultice containing medicinal leaves, turmeric, lemon, garlic and other herbal powders. The heated poultice dipped in warm medicated oil is applied on the body in a rhythmic fashion. This therapy stimulates nerve endings, reduces inflammation, relaxes the tendons and muscles improving the flexibility of the body.

A quick way to reset and revitalize yourself balancing your dosas- vata, pitta and kapha. The 7 Days Quick Heal Package has a sequence of therapies which aids in enhancing sleep, blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and stimulate neurons. Its optimal choice of treatment to de-stress, alleviate tension, shoulder aches, low back pain, as well as burn out.