Healthy living

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to wellbeing that emphasizes on harmony of body, mind and spirit. Being at peace with oneself as well as your environment is important for the overall wellbeing. One of the key principles of Ayurveda is that each person is unique and their dosa constitution is different. Hence, their journey to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing has to be tailor made.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine which originated in ancient India over 5000 years ago. The word Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words, “Ayu” which means life and “veda” which means knowledge or science.  

Ayurveda is considered as one of the oldest medical systems in the world, often referred to as the ‘Mother of all healing’. It is a part of Atharva Veda, which is one of the four Vedas. The foundation Granthas of Ayurveda are Caraka SamhitaSusrutha Samhita and AstangaHrdayam. These classics which are collectively called as “Brihatrayees” or the greater triad are the oldest documentations available in medical history.

This ancient treatment science focus on healing as well as maintaining health through personalized treatments, yoga and lifestyle modifications. Ayurveda is the traditional system of healing which is based on the concept of balancing the three dosas, or bodily humorsvata, pitta and kapha. These humors are balanced with the help of therapies, pancha karma and herbal preparations. This will improve the digestive fire, body metabolism, quality of sleep and finally improve your Ojas or vitality.  A strong healthy body will be the seat for a calm and healthy mind.

According to the Vedas, the universe is made of the Pancha MahaBhootas Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. We being a part of the universe is made up of these five basic elements of nature. These elements combine to form the Tridosas. Earth and water represent the Kaphadosa, Fire is the Pitta dosa and Air and Ether represents the vata dosa. Each dosa has specific features and attribute associated with it. People are classified depending on the predominance of the dosa composition in the them. This forms the platform for analysing their Prakriti or biological constitution. 

Similarly, ailments are also classified depending on the predominance of the dosa or Vikriti, in the symptoms associated.  This helps the physician to identify the Prakriti of the individual, vitiated dosa and plan the course of action to bring back the balance in body and mind.

 The concept of Agni

The digestive fire is known as Jataragni. When the Jataragni is normal food gets digested properly and its essence gets absorbed into the blood. The essence thus absorbed is called the ahara rasa. This dhatu, then by the action of dhatu agni will get converted into further dhatus of the body rakta, mamsa, medo, asthi and sukla dhatus.


By the action of agnion the food we ingest, ahara rasa is formed. This ahara rasa or the nutrients absorbed, forms the seven dhatus of the body namely Rasa(lymph), Rakta(blood), Mamsa(muscles),Medas(fat), Asti (Bones), Majja(bone marrow) and Sukra(reproductive substances). The dhatus are nourished by the datu agni of the previous dhatu. Any impairment in dhatu agni affects the normal metabolism at the dhatu level and results in improper nourishment of the respective dhatu leading to diseases.

Nerium Ayurvedic Treatments

Improper food, activities, sleep and lifestyle can lead to mild vitiation of dosas in the body. At this point, mild treatments and herbal preparations along with lifestyle modification helps in correcting the imbalances of the body. Ayurveda considers diet, lifestyle and sleep as the pillars of preventive healthcare.

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