Blog post

May 10, 2024
Mukha leppam treatment at Nerium Ayurveda

Gut health & Buttermilk

Fresh buttermilk is known as takra in Ayurveda. It has immense benefits in kindling digestion and is recommended to be taken daily for people with poor […]
March 5, 2024
Swasthi Ayurvedic Treatment

Sleep – energises and restores.

Sleep…Our body’s mechanism to heal and recover Ayurveda identifies sleep/Nidra as one of the three pillars which support the human body. In the Ayurvedic classics like […]
June 20, 2023
Mukha Lepam at Nerium Ayurveda

Mukha lepam

June 20, 2023
Pizhichil Treatment in Kakkanad


June 20, 2023
Swedanam_treatment at Nerium Ayurveda


June 20, 2023
Udwarthanam Treatment at Nerium Ayurveda


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